Saturday, October 25, 2008

Day 3 (belated) with more pictures

Danica spend the majority of her time under ultraviolet lights in order to fight the jaundice. So the pictures I got were all from the special care nursery. It was the hardest thing in the world to see her in there and not have her in the hospital room so we could hold her and look at her whenever we wanted. But we both agreed that the only way we were going to get her home with us was to let her be under those lights as much as possible. So we were very strong and kept the feeding times to 30 minutes so we could get her back under the lights as much as possible. But we did take a few pictures--we looked at them during the times we couldn't be with her. :)

The thing that makes me smile about these pictures is that Corey was still trying to convince me that Danica was not going to have him wrapped around her little finger--but honestly you look at these pictures and you know Corey is a goner. :)


Happy2Bme said...

First off, congrats on you little one! She is so cute! I'm lovin' all the hair! I'm sorry to hear about the jaundice. That stinks but at least she's doing the lights now in the hospital where you have some help. KJ had to do the lights at home when he was a week old and he totally freaked every time we put the eye patches on. Hang in there. I know it's hard to have to just sit and look at her. Hey, at least she looks like she has a nice tan :)

Janquilts said...

Congratulations mom & dad. She is beautiful. Does gramps have any buttons left on his shirt? Hope you can bring her home really soon but enjoy any rest you can get in the hospital because you days are less than numbered.

Julie Barnes said...

HOW CUTE!! Looks like you have had an interesting experience. I would love to hear all about it. I am so excited for you two... and cor Corey!! I am sure little Danica will keep him wrapped up her whole life!