Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Utensils required

Danica has firmly decided that she is a big girl--and big girls get to use spoons and/or forks. Big girls do not pick their food up with their fingers. As such, Danica has decided that all food must be eaten with a spoon or a fork. No more being fed by mommy or daddy. So meal time has slowed down for us as Danica tries to figure out how to get everything on her spoon and/or fork.

This morning she was eating a banana. Usually she eats bananas so fast we miss it. But today, she had to get the banana on the spoon--definitely takes more time.

And I tried to give her some banana with cashew butter (which she loves), but I was not allowed to feed it to her. I had to put the banana on the spoon so she could feed it to herself.

So that was my adventures this morning. Now my mission is to find a better fork and spoon combo for Danica's little hands. The ones we have are not working out well. :)

Sunday, March 28, 2010

One, Two, Three...Five!

Danica has always shown a preference for counting books, particularly with Grandpa reads them to her. She has even started to take our fingers to point out what needs to be counted on the page. But lately, as she is starting to talk, she has started to count things. We hear her little voice say one, two, three (pause) five (very excitedly). For some reason, four has been eliminated from the counting line.

And lately another funny Danica-ism has started. Danica has learned how to play ring around the rosies with her friends at daycare. And she is obsessed. She wants them to play it with her all the time. And she runs around the house saying "ashes, ashes" which is the one part of the rhyme she can say. So she will be standing in front of me saying "ashes, ashes" waiting for me to get to the part where "we all fall down." At which point she falls down and giggles.

So here is a little update on what is going on over here. I have made it a personal goal to update more often--and with pictures when possible. :)

Thursday, March 18, 2010


I know I have been horribly bad at updating the blog. Life has been crazy to say the least. But I thought if I shared a super cute picture of a super cute little girl you would all forgive me. :)