Saturday, November 14, 2009

Danica's First Birthday

For Danica's first birthday we did a party at the park. It went off wonderfully.

Danica got lots of clothes and clothes from her friends and family.

We got Danica a Princess cupcake cake. It was quite a hit with everyone--and I have decided it was the best invention for kids parties!!
We let Danica feed herself one of the cupcakes. It was great!

Danica's favorite part of the party at the park was being able to swing. She would have done it for hours if we would have let her.

Danica got a power wheels from one of our friends. She was a little unsure of the riding part--but she enjoyed pushing it everywhere.


Danica's first Halloween costume was a ballerina outfit that her daddy picked out for her--complete with cute pink shoes that she wore until they no longer fit. And yes, they already don't fit. I love kids shoes.

We went to the neighborhood Halloween party where she played games and charmed everyone with her cuteness. It was a lot of fun.

Infamous Spagetti Pictures

Yes I know it has been a loooooong time since I updated. But to make up for the lapse I have tons of pictures to share. The first are going to be some of the infamous pictures I threaten to show all of Danica's future dates. She is just so cute feeding herself spagetti and meatballs.