Friday, May 16, 2008

An Overdue Thank You

My incredibly generous cousin sent me some cute things for the baby. But since I have been working like a crazy woman (what can I say--I am racking up the comp time, it may come in handy later...hehe) I haven't been able to thank her. Of course she may not have noticed as much since she is busy preparing for her trip to Wyoming, but still I don't want her to post something on her return to remind me that I didn't properly thank her. My cousin has quite a way with words...hehe (now I am in for it--nothing by love for you Bradi).

And since I mentioned her trip to Wyoming I want to send out a congratulations to my incredibly smart and accomplished cousin Cody who is graduating from Law School. I am only hoping that the next car accident I am ever in (knocking on wood now) Cody can send a letter to make the insurance company play nice. Isn't that what lawyers in the family are for? I would add a picture of my cousin, but I don't have any on my computer. But next time I am at my dad's I will see if I can find a good picture to add so everyone can see what the future lawyer looks (looked--depending on the picture I find...hehe) like.

I hope everyone has a great time in Wyoming and I hope I get to hear about it all very soon.


bradi said...

Hey! You were supposed to tell everyone that I knitted that cap and painted those cards! Now, you are in for it. . . .