Monday, May 5, 2008

Brandy saves the day--well sort of

Okay--so I cursed myself. Just as I was secretly (okay maybe not so secretly) celebrating the fact that the nausea part of this little adventure was over--yep you guess it--it came back. :(

So all day I have not been feeling 100%--actually all weekend. But to try to take my mind off of it I decided to buy Brandy a present. You know the kind of present that is equally fun for me as for Brandy. So I thought I would share some pictures of Brandy going crazy over the laser light--of course there were some that were moments that were even funnier but unfortunately I was laughing too hard to take a decent picture. And of course the excessive laughing didn't help the nausea issue. But it was worth it.

On this last picture you can't really see it but Corey has the Laser Light shinning on one of the pink beads on Brandy's toy. She went bonkers--actually she is always a little bonkers, but this time it was just more picture-worthy. :)

Another side note--I finally made the plunge to maternity clothes. I am much happier because they are much more comfortable then the other clothes, and now I look a little less like I am just letting myself get fat and more like I am pregnant. But it has been funny at the office because I am still at that point that if you know I am pregnant then you say "oh you look so pregnant" but if you don't know then you are afraid to ask because what if you are wrong. So I am getting lots of second looks and sideways glances. hehe.


Jen said...

It was one of my most unhappy times of being prego- The middle stage before you belly pops. You feel like you are prego, but everyone else just thinks you are getting fat- Oh well, it will pass, & before you know it- you will have a basketball under your shirt.