Luckily Santa didn't wake us up too early here--we didn't get home until after midnight from the Christmas Eve festivities with Corey's family. But we did open a few gifts here this morning.
After we opened our presents, we went to Shirley's to open more presents and have Christmas Lunch. And it was wonderful. Unfortunately, in my daze (did I mention not going to bed until well after midnight) I left the camera memory card in the computer (after my post about Christmas Eve), so I didn't get any pictures. But my cousin will probably post pictures in a few days. I plan to copy some of her pictures since I know that a certain cute little baby was in quite a few of them. :)
Some of the moments:
Corey got gift cards from Best Buy and wanted to know if they were open on Christmas for him to go spend them--and he may wake up the moment they do open to get himself something (he has quite decided yet what he wants--but the cards are burning a whole in his pocket).
Danica got a play mat--and did tummy time for everyone to see. She loves her gift.
Dad's brisket that he made by modifying the recipe used to make Brisket at the reunions went over famously. Corey had never had it and he loved it. And now I want the modified recipe (the original calls for like 200 pounds of meat--not likely to happen for a family of three).
Danica got her first quilt--it is so cute. And it is nice and thick and warm. She loved it!
Flannery had all of our presents passed out to our spots before we had even sat down. She was so excited to find more presents with her name on them. :)
Danica got her first stuffed horse--now all I need to do is get a picture of her in her cowgirl outfit with her stuffed horse and we will all be set. :)
You may have noticed someone's name popping up a lot in my memories from Christmas. What can I say--I am a little enamored with our little blessing this Christmas. It is hard to believe by next Christmas she will be walking and talking and not be my baby girl (by then she will be my big girl).
Love the family fun.
I'm really bad, i think i am going to buy Katelyn's tree ornament after the Christmas so i can get it on clearance. Ha Ha, she will never know:)
I heard that a certain g-aunt Shirley got a lot of baby holding time on Christmas along with all the other fun with Emerson and Flannery!
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