Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve is when Corey's family traditionally gets together for the family gift exchange. And so last night was Danica's first real taste of Christmas--and she seemed to like it. She lasted much longer than Corey and I ever expected. And she watched with an amazed look on her face as everyone opened gifts.

Last night was the first time Corey's nieces met Danica--and they were amazed with her. They were constantly asking to hold her. They couldn't believe that she wore diapers and drank milk--and were totally shocked when we told them that they used to do that too. Here are pictures of them holding Danica--they were so excited:

The girls also loved giving Danica hugs and kisses.
Corey's dad is home from the hospital and loved holding Danica too--what can I say she is quite popular. Corey's nieces also loved to be picked up by their uncle. And when he picked them up they were fascinated with his sunglasses. It was so cute:

Corey's favorite gift was the picture quilt his mom made him with pictures and momentos from his childhood. She had news clippings from when Corey played hockey that listed the number of goals he made and his stats from when he played goalie. And his baby pictures were on it--Danica is a spitting image of her daddy when he was a baby (with more hair though--hehe).
Overall it was a wonderful evening.


Janquilts said...

Christmas will never be the same for you again.Just wait till next year...
Hope you had a great day today.