Thursday, April 3, 2008

R.I.P. to my phone

My day has been super busy--but one of the saddest part was that I dropped my phone and cracked the touchscreen which means my phone is dead.

Today was the day of the Future Educators conference on the campus that I work at. I have been working for the last few months (practically since I started) to coordinate the event. So my day started at 6:30 am (I know that Grandpa would have said that I should have already been up by then--but really I think that getting up at my normal time is early enough). And from 6:30-4pm I was running around campus checking on breakout sessions and presenters, creating certificates for the on-campus competitions, and troubleshooting. And my faithful phone was with me all day. Then as everything was wrapping up and I was making the final load of things to take back to my office, my faithful phone slipped out of my pocket for the last time.

I am really kind-of sad. And since I don't have a home phone (only Corey and my cell phones) I feel so disconnected. So if you need to contact me--you'll have to comment on my blog. :)

I am also completely convinced that the pains in my legs and feet is because I am pregnant and not a sign that in general that I am lazy and not active. And somehow that makes me feel better. I am not sure why--but it does.


andrea said...

OOOOUUUUUUchhh. I HATE it when stuff like that happens. So sorry about your phone. Hope you get reconnected soon.

And of course the pains are from pregnancy. Now sit down and put them up!

Six-thirty? What did you sleep in so long for? What, are you on vacation?!

You have to give it to that generation though....they know/knew work!

Jen said...

That stinks about your phone- I'm so sorry.

I was always sore when i was prego- so i'm sure that's what it is.