Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bad Shanan

So I went to the doctor today--my second official appointment as a pregnant woman (not including the one I walked out on the doctor because he left me waiting for over an hour--but we don't talk about that one...hehe). And I got scolded--okay scolded may be a little harsh but anyway I got scolded for having lost weight.

This experience constitutes my second--or third--or whichever who can keep track of numbers anyway--weird pregnancy thing. I never thought I would go to the doctor and be told it was bad to be losing weight. Really when does that happen.

Besides--how does it happen. I know any normal person who has eaten my diet--which has consisted of some meals of chips and salsa because that sounded like pure heaven--would not be losing weight.

Anyway--wait for more updates. I am under strict orders to be back in the office in two weeks. And lucky me I get the first appointment of the day (compliments of my wonderful first appointment where I walked out because they left me waiting forever).


Jen said...

Are you throwing up? if not...that is definitly weird. I never lost weight but my 1st & 2nd trimesters i didn't gain too much & i think is was because carbs (Bread, pasta...) sounded gross to me.

onehm said...

I didn't lose weight, but I wasn't throwing up either. But I did only gain 20 lbs, and Gigantor was almost 10, so I was thrilled that it practically fell off and I was back in my jeans a week after I had him.
Wish that could happen now. I'm pretty sure I've gained weight in the 2 years since he was born...oh the wonderful things that a post-30 body does!!
Bummer that your dr. was so harsh. And YIKES on the waiting for an hour. That's no good.