Tuesday, January 13, 2009

A List

My cousins have both been doing lists lately--so when I got this email from my friend I thought it would make a good list for my blog (what can I say I don't want to be left out). :)

The object of this list is to answer every question with one word:
Where is your cell phone? Couch
Your significant other? Funny
Your Hair? Short
Your mother? umm no comment
Your father? Knowledgable
Your favorite thing? Danica
Your dream last night? Sleep?
Your favorite drink? Lemonade
Your dream/goal? Success
What room are you in? Den
Your hobby? Blogging
Your fear? Fire
Where do you want to be in 6 years? Successful
Where were you last night? Home
Something that you aren't? Boring
Muffins? Chocolate
Wish list item? Sleep
Last thing you did? Errands
Your pets? Brandy
Friends? Fun
Your life? Happy
Your mood? Nonchatlant
Missing someone? Nope
Drinking? Water
Smoking? Yuck!
Your car? Cavalier
Something you're not wearing? Jacket
Your favorite store?
Your favorite color? Red
When is the last time you cried? Delivery
Where do you go to over and over? Work
Five people who email me regularly? Students
My favorite place to eat? Restaurants
Place I'd like to be at right now? Joe's

So now I encourage you to do it--its fun and some of them are harder to answer in one word then you would think. hehe


Jen said...

I tried doing it as i was reading yours & it's hard to come up w/ one word answers, so i totally give you props for doing it :)

Julie Barnes said...

Hilarious! I love your answers! I also saw the last time you cried was at delivery... hope those were tears of joy :)

Janquilts said...

Great list and great responses.

Shanan and Danica said...

umm of course they were tears of joy...