Wednesday, June 4, 2008

ummm...better late then never

I am in a lot of trouble...not that this is anything particularly new for me but since this is the first time I have been in trouble with a blog, I am sharing the experience with all of you. See my Aunt Shirley (you have heard a lot about her in this blog--she is quite good at spoiling the baby) made it very clear that I would be in a lot of trouble if I forgot the importance of Tuesday, June 3. And really it is a monumental day. And guess what...yes you guessed it I forgot--It was Emerson's birthday.

So as my repentence I decided to share with everyone the very cute pictures I have from the wedding of my very cute cousin whose birthday I forgot. I hope he enjoys seeing his picture all over the blog and can forgive a poor pregnant woman for being forgetful (I have heard forgetfulness is an unfortunate side effect of being pregnant, so I am blaming it on the pregnancy).

And I am glad to hear from my cousin's blog, that her son had a wonderful birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EMERSON!!


bradi said...

That kid is unbelievably adorable! Must be the genes. . .