Thursday, July 17, 2008

Minor Moments of...

So I went to the doctor today for my monthly check-up. And he said, "oh you have 13 weeks left." AHHHHH! Scare me why don't you.

Okay--yes I can do the math and I know that October 19th is about 13 weeks away. But it didn't seem like it was that close...until he said that. Now I am thinking of all of the things I need to do or get or finish or whatever. My mind is spinning.

So I thought I would share with all of you my minor moment of--well I couldn't think of a name for it and since I have so many other things to think about today I decided to let you all fill in the blanks. :)


andrea said...

Don't stress it....she'll come even if you don't have it all's that for more stress?! :)

Just make sure you have a carseat, or they won't let you take her home, lots, and I'm not kidding, lots of diapers....newborns go through them like you would not believe....and lot's of jammies and blankets....because along with going through lots of diapers, they also leak out of 90% of those diapers, or go as soon as you get them off, thereby soaking (or worse) everything in sight. Get ready for lots of laundry. You'd be surprised that something so small can create so much laundry.

And don't stress about the pushing her out part. Although it seems to go on forever, in the end it is so short, and luckily so is your memory of it all. :)

Jen said...

Just make lists.
That's what i did- I'm totally a list person.
I made a list for...
-Home cleaning & chores (get to deep cleaning now while you can)
-stock up on groceries (frozen & canned items for sure)
-Get all your baby items (especially nursing supplies; pump, nipple shields, nipple creams) Heavy pads for extra bleeding, bottles & formula.....
-It's never too early to pack your hospital bag either.
-Have your camera battery charged

Seriously just sit down and create several lists in there own category & put a date to have finished by.
It worked for me.

There's really nothing that can be said that can totally prepare you for a baby. But it all flows naturally- so no worries.