Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Where Have I Been?

My aunt Shirley stopped by today and reminded me that I have not blogged in a little while--okay it has been a couple of weeks. Here is a small run down of what has been going on:

Danica got over her first cold--which included a trip to a doctor office. Maybe I should have blogged a little sooner because I think she is in the process of catching number 2. There is a cough going through her sitter's house.

Corey got over pneumonia--walking pneumonia but still he got to spend a few hours at the urgent care.

I started another class in my masters program and I am thoroughly convinced that this teacher is crazy. She seems to think that three or four assignments all due in the same week--and most of them are a group project with different groups for each. Oh--and if that isn't bad enough she is not very good at explaining exactly what she wants--just really good and saying what she doesn't want. Oh it is going to be a long 8 weeks.

Danica is pretty much out of her 3 month outfits--she is getting bigger much faster than I expected. She is also starting to eat solid foods--so far she has had rice cereal, carrots (not a favorite), pears (favorite), bananas (not a favorite), and green beans (favorite)--oh and sweet potatoes which seems to be a favorite as well.

So as you can see we have been busy over here, but I am hoping to be able to tell you more a little more often. Oh and my walking to Sweden is going well for me--the rest of my team is not so well.


Janquilts said...

Glad you are back. Tell your aunt she should complain on line! Oh, don't tell her-I have to spend the weekend with her.

Jen said...

Yuck about the family being sick, I hope Danica doesn't catch it again.

Julie Barnes said...

wow, 8 weeks of class and 4 assignments due a week. That is what I call "real school". Ha ha ha... takes me back to my undergrad. I hope you are doing well and can't wait to see you in a few weeks.