Friday, September 19, 2008

Down to the final month

One of my cousin's has already warned me about focusing on my due date--that it isn't uncommon to go past your due date particularly with the first baby. Well I have to say that my coworkers would be thrilled if I was at work an extra week--as happy as they are for me, they are not excited to be down an advisor during the registration period. Anyway, I am still going to mark the today's occasion as being exactly one month until my due date. With her crib set up and her infant car seat and stoller assembled I feel content and excited. Things are starting to fall into place and the house is starting to look like another person will be living here soon. Of course Brandy does not seem to be excited about the prospect of the family changing--she is a resentful that she lost her room since we don't let her roam freely throught Danica's room. But I suppose she will have to get over that or I will have lots more to write about Brandy later.

I went to the doctor yesterday and found out that Danica has flipped to a head down position--so all the discussion of whether she was backwards because of Corey or if she was stubborn because she is a Nicoll do not have to come to a solution--at least for now she cooperated with what the doctor wanted. No more talk of a c-section for the moment. Of course the part of her that is up (I will let you supply the word for that body part) is invading my rib cage--and that is no better than having her head invade my rib cage.

So now I have to start planning for diapers and such--and waiting.


Julie Barnes said...

awesome!! I really can't believe how fast time has gone by since I found out you were having a baby. So much has happened!! I am so excited for you and the new addition to your family.

Levi, Disney Fanatic said...

Hang in there! The last month can last an eternity- I know, my due date came and went with Levi (he was 4 days over), but the healthy little reward at the end of the month is worth the wait (and no sleep, frequent bathroom breaks, being out-of-breath....:)