Thursday, June 18, 2009

More Pictures

Even though Danica was under the 25 lb. weight limit of her first carseat--she was so long that she did not fit in it anymore. So we had t go carseat shopping--and get her a bigger carseat. Hopefully this one will last her longer.

Here are some pictures of her in her carseat:

Here are some pictures of her almost smiling in her carseat--proof that it was the right time to make the change:And if you look very very closely you can almost see the two teeth on the bottom. Nope the top ones aren't there yet.


Levi, Disney Fanatic said...

What a cutie- I love the clip in her hair!

Julie Barnes said...

She look pretty cute!!

Jen said...

We switched a little early too because we were going to taking some long trips and knew she would like the front facing better.

andrea said...

Yay, a smile!!! I was bad, I kept mine in their carrier carseat when they were past height limit, because I just didn't want to give up the convenience of the carrier! :) But seriously, my giant kids hit the limit at like 6 months!!!!!

Don't switch her to forward-facing yet's so much safer to have them rear-facing, even after 12 months! (sorry Jen! ;), I saw too many yucky things working in a children's hospital, so I'm a stickler! My hubby gets bugged by it, but oh well!)

Shanan and Danica said...

It is still rear facing--just the larger one.

And I do miss the convenience of the carrier--especially when she falls asleep in the car. :)