Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So Close--Yet So Far

Guess what?!?! This is post number 100. I can't believe that I have done 100 posts but I have to say thank you to everyone who keeps up with us through our posts. :)

But now I have to tell you all a little about Sunday. The Cardinals were so close--but nope it was not meant to be. My sister, who has been a Cardinals fan for quite a while, was heartbroken. But we had a lot of fun at her party. And we brought shrimp which I think may have been my niece's favorite thing there to eat.
Here are a couple of pictures:
Danica is starting to be able to sit up on the couch with one of us close by watching. Overall she was very good for the whole party--despite the screaming Cardinal fans waking her up from her naps. She is such a good baby.

This picture has a couple of cute things--Danica is staring at the television watching the pre-game show or possibly she is looking at the ceiling fan. Really it was hard to tell but she had the same intense look on her face either way. And the kitty cat is Stephen--my sister has had that cat forever practically. And she has pictures of her daughter and her other niece when they were babies with Stephen--so we had to have a Danica and Stephen picture. But Danica was so enamoured that we had to watch her hands, because she kept using her mini-death grip on his hair. And Stephen was so nice he didn't even get mad.

Overall we had a lot of fun on Sunday--and we can't wait to go play at their house again. :)


Jen said...

Katelyn loves to watch sports on television too.
I love her cardinals outfit. Now she is a true fan:)

Julie Barnes said...

The Cardinals were SO close!! I was hoping for something positive but in the end they could not hold of the stealers. Sounds like a fun superbowl part... and what a cute little pic of Danica and the cat. :)

Randy said...

Hey Shanan thanks for the comments you leave on our blog. You daughter is so cute. Do you still work at ASU?