Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Climb every...

Yes I know that it has been a while since I posted--and yes I do have people who remind me when I take a while to post. But in my defense we have had a lot happen since the last post.

1) School started. Since I work at ASU this is a crazy time for me at work. And I am taking a couple of classes myself which just compounds it. And Corey is taking courses at MCC. So yes we are insane with the start of school.

2) Danica is walking--and so an inordinate amount of our time is spent getting Danica away from the door out or the door to the hallway. And goodness you should see her go if we happen to leave the door to the hallway open. She goes double speed then--she thinks escaping is fun. I am convinced we have our work cut out for us. We have been trying to get a video or a good picture of Danica walking--but she is terribly camera shy or just stubborn and doesn't want to let us record the event (I can't decide which). But here is a videa of her climbing up Corey's legs--yep she has already mastered climbing:

3) Corey should be starting a new job in the next week or so (we are waiting for the background check). The job is graveyard shift which is good because he will have his days free to work on his school work.

4) Someone broke into Corey's car and broke the driver's side window out. Not fun. I had to get the replacement arranged. I opted to have them replace my windshield too because a crack had started last week and had already doubled in size in less then a week.

I think that is a pretty fair update on what is going on here in our crazy household. But for your viewing pleasure--here is a picture of Danica (isn't she the cutest):


Jen said...

Her climbing is hilarious:)
You guys have been busy. That totally stinks about the car:(
I hope he gets the new job!

Julie Barnes said...

AWE! She is getting so big! Hard to believe that she is going to be a year old in a month!! TOO CUTE!