Wednesday, March 26, 2008

A Year End Review

A year ago today--actually almost a year ago to this exact moment--we looked like this:

One year later I had to work all day including a trip to Coolidge in the afternoon and early evening (which doesn't leave a lot of room for celebrating). But Corey and I met for lunch--so one year later we looked like this:

Now more then noticing our sub-par photography skills--really where did those photographers go--I want to note that while we ate together; we ate completely different things. Why? Because (and for those of you asking for weird pregnancy stories you can have a good laugh at this one) I cannot stomache the thought/smell/sight of chinese food but I love the thought of fish tacos. I know--weird and even more so if you know that I usually can eat anything and love new foods. This sudden disgust at the mere mention of chinese food is very unnerving.

But for those of you who don't know Corey well I will let you in on a Massachusetts-born husband can't stand seafood--I know it is just weird and unnatural. So while fish tacos sound like heaven on earth to me--he needed another option.

Luckily, civilization has come all the way out to where we are living--and we have eating options now. Good thing for pregnant women--eating options.

After lunch I got to drive to Coolidge. I know a very exciting way to spend my first anniversary--but what can I say, Corey and I have always been different. :)


Jen said...

Happy Anniversary! Has it seriously been a year already. I feel like we were just at your wedding!
It was really beautiful by the way.

onehm said...

Congrats!!! On the anniversary AND the pregnancy!
Don't you love when you can celebrate together and BOTH be happy with the meal? ;)

bradi said...

Yummy! Fish tacos and Chinese food! Happy Anniversary! Keep feeding that little baby some fish tacos. . .

The Youngs said...

Congratulations on your first anniversary but more importantly, being pregnant!!! That's so exciting. Hope it is going well! Oh and I love your hair short!