Sunday, August 9, 2009

One small step for...

Yep, our little princess is starting to take steps. I am not sure if that is a good thing or not--it seems that the more mobile she is the more trouble she can get into. But then it is inevitable so I have decided to celebrate.

Now I was trying really hard to get you a video of her walking--but as discussed before she is not the most cooperative. So I am providing you with videos of her cutely refusing to walk for the camera. But trust me--she has taken steps unassisted.

Here is another:


The Youngs said...

Wow, that's so fun! They grow so fast!

andrea said...

Ugh! She's only coming up on 10 months old, right? Don't let her learn how to walk. Push her down. ;)

Nicole learned to walk 10 months. I hated it. I lost my baby way too soon. I much preferred Ellie's pace....she didn't walk until 15 months!

For future reference, and I'm sure Bradi has filled you in on this little gem of wisdom, but DO NOT teach her to talk. You will regret it. Trust me! ;)

Julie Barnes said...

WOW! No way!! That is so awesome!! How CUTE!! Edward is trying to figure out how to crawl and I am SCARED!! :) So much fun!

Jen said...

Can you email me your home address?