Saturday, May 23, 2009


So I would have worked on thinking of a better title then that--but as my aunt and dad have pointed out I haven't posted in a while so I decided they would rather have an update then a catchy title. :)

Here are some updated pictures of Danica. Since last post she has mastered sitting up--and is working on standing on her own. She likes to pull herself up using our pant legs when we are sitting in the living room. She is also teething--which has not been fun. She has been getting up every 2-3 hours upset that her gums hurt. But orajel seems to help her quite a bit. Hopefully soon there will be teeth to show everyone.

One thing that has not changed--she still refuses to let us take a picture of her smiling. I keep hoping though.

At work--we have moved offices. The upside is we got to move to the new buildings and our offices have great views of the campus. The downside is that we got almost no notice of the actual move date and so we have had to meet with students in the middle of the choas. But Friday I finally got to empty out the last of my boxes. So now I feel a little set.


Jen said...

Katelyn wouldn't smile for the camera until just recently. Now she does a cheesy grin. It will come eventually and when she does the pictures will be priceless:)

Julie Barnes said...

she is so cute, smile or no smile :)

bradi said...

Take more pictures and eventually one will have a smile. Or withhold love or food or something until she does it on camera!

BTW, what big eyes you have, Danica!!