Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Utensils required

Danica has firmly decided that she is a big girl--and big girls get to use spoons and/or forks. Big girls do not pick their food up with their fingers. As such, Danica has decided that all food must be eaten with a spoon or a fork. No more being fed by mommy or daddy. So meal time has slowed down for us as Danica tries to figure out how to get everything on her spoon and/or fork.

This morning she was eating a banana. Usually she eats bananas so fast we miss it. But today, she had to get the banana on the spoon--definitely takes more time.

And I tried to give her some banana with cashew butter (which she loves), but I was not allowed to feed it to her. I had to put the banana on the spoon so she could feed it to herself.

So that was my adventures this morning. Now my mission is to find a better fork and spoon combo for Danica's little hands. The ones we have are not working out well. :)


Jen said...

we bought baby plastic ones, but they out grow those fast. I would recommend the baby metal ones:)

andrea said...

We loved the kid utensils from IKEA. Still use them.